Dwight Lee from Begus Insurance Group started his life as an insurance agent because a family member passed away without coverage. The loved ones of the deceased have to undergo a lot of financial strain. Dwight commenced an informal public awareness campaign to awaken people with limited knowledge on how insurance works. Every person over age of 45 must take insurance coverage seriously. He and his professional team work hard towards this mission.
Why insurance is important?
- Offers financial security – Unexpected events can dent your financial status in seconds. Insurance coverage is a safety net for loved ones against those unforeseen events.
- Transfer the risk – The financial risk gets transferred from an insured to an insurance provider. Insured pays a premium to achieve compensation after unforeseen even occurs.
- Total family protection – Family is a crucial asset that is generally dependent. Ensure that the family is financially secure in case of emergency.
- No stress during hardships – Future is unseen, so a tragedy can leave people mentally, physically, and financially strained. With insurance, the outcomes of such tragedies can save the dear ones from financial stress and tension.
The Begus team ensures that every client approaching them understands that insurance needs are not stationary. As life changes, insurance needs will also change. For example, there are significant changes in life like marriage or childbirth.
Such events significantly compound a person’s responsibilities. The professionals advise their clients to adjust their term insurance plans to cover extra financial responsibilities. Thus the beneficiaries of the term plan holder gain good financial support with the adjusted coverage.
The coverage types offered are term insurance plan, final expense insurance, and Medigap plan.
Term insurance Plan – It is an investment or gift for loved ones that get realized when the assured dies. In an unfortunate event, the loved ones relying on the policyholder may experience challenges and will be unable to lead a lifestyle they enjoyed. Everyone values their family and desires to keep them happy even when they are not around. A term insurance plan can certainly turn out to be a lottery for dependent relatives.
Final Expense Insurance – It is also called funeral insurance orburial insurance designed to cover an insured person’s funeral costs. It is easily approved than other life insurance products. As long as the premiums payments are up to date, beneficiaries acquire the required funds for funeral arrangements. The funds from death benefits can be used to pay medical debt during final illness or other financial obligations. Funeral insurance premiums are too low and even people between 50 to 85 years can afford it. Approval does not need a medical exam. With funeral insurance, your family does not have to bear the burden of high burial costs.
Medicare Supplement plan – Private Insurance companies sell Medicare supplement plans or Medigap plans. This policy covers part of copays or deductibles, which is available with the basic Medicare that includes hospital coverage [Part A] and Outpatient care [Part B]. All the policies associated with Medigap are rated differently, so the Begus team can help you understand which works for their specific client.
Begus Insurance Group persists to educate people on the importance of investing in insurance plans!
Contact Information:
Dwight Lee
Begus Insurance Group
+1 323-553-1154
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