Forex trading is interesting. This type of trading has become one of the favorite choices among traders. They work on the currency pairs and seek opportunity to buy and sell the currency in the best timing so they will be able to gain profits. However, forex trading is quite complicated since it requires fast decision. The value of currency keeps changing and it needs more than just monitoring and analyzing skills. Proper strategies should also be formulated to get better chances of success. In this case, there are some forex top traders that have gain great successes in forex trading. When you are also interested in this type of trading instrument, it is not bad idea to learn about how those successful traders make their movements and trade successfully.
One of the top and successful forex traders is Ezekiel Chew. This is one of the important persons when it talks about the personal traders that have set great achievement in forex trading. Ezekiel Chew has traded in forex for more than two decades. He has long journey to achieve what he gets right now. He is considered as top forex traders with abundance of achievement. One of them is his success to get 950% ROI and it was done in only two weeks. This is not something that can be achieved easily, even by great company or agency of forex trading. Then, he could also get $300,000 with only capital of $24,000. Even during one of the presidential election, he found great opportunity and could make $100,000 in an hour. This is surely something great. In fact, Ezekiel Chew is not only specialized in forex trading. He also trade in stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrency. Moreover, he founded Asia Forex Mentor and this becomes his way to teach various trading strategies.
Next, there is Raghee Horner. This is notable forex trading that can be inspiring figure for all beginners or novice traders. She has started trading since she was in high school. This is shocking fact since most traders started later than her. However, she can gain great success in currency market with her great experiences. She was famous for her great calculation. At that time, she made calculation by hand on the forex indicators and she could analyze the charts by using simpler means. Her approaches make her famous for her technical analyses. With her experiences and expertise in analyses, she founded Forex 101 named Simpler Trading. She and other successful traders provide forex learning platform where people can enroll to learn simpler ways of forex trading. Although she is famous for her forex trading success, the Simpler Trading provides classes for various trading, including stocks, futures, and cryptocurrency.
Third person that gains great success in forex trading is Andrew Mitchem. He started forex trading in 2003 and set the goal to become best forex trader. His efforts show great results. Although he may not be the richest forex trader nowadays, however his wealth and achievements can be compared to those richest forex traders. As the other two successful traders, Andrew Mitchem also launched trading course to assist traders so they will not have to suffer failure in trading.