
Rock Salt: Choosing The Right Spreading Method

The simplest form is to spread the salt like in Ninja De-Icer for example as it is: this is still a fairly common technique. But to be effective in melting snow and ice, the salt needs to be in solution in the water: in other words, dry salt added on dry ice will have no effect, at least initially.

One could therefore imagine bringing the salt previously dissolved in water (we then obtain a brine), but the melting effectiveness would be very limited in time to fight against snow or ice: indeed, as and when melting, the water thus formed will dilute the brine and reduce its effectiveness. This technique of pure bringing is therefore reserved for specific situations (frost or very thin ice in particular).

On the strength of this observation, the so-called salt porridge technique was developed, which consists of spreading salt on the roadway, previously moistened with brine: the effectiveness of brine for starting the mechanism of melting is then added that the salt in grains which will maintain this mechanism as it melts. The proportion of brine added to the salt depends on the phenomenon to be combated and the weather-road conditions generally represent 10 to 30% brine compared to the salt in grain form.

Dose As Close As Possible

Modern salt spreaders (fondant spreaders) allow precise metering of the amount of salt one wishes to spread. Remember that in the event of a snowfall of a certain importance, scraping the snow is an essential prerequisite to restoring the road to black.

When To Apply?

Spread preventively or curatively? What is the best solution, and why? It is better to treat the roads preventively with rock salt for sale near me for example. Taking action before the ice appears is more beneficial than curative treatment.


By spreading a de-icer before the appearance of ice, we guarantee permanent safety on the road. This might suffice if temperature drops and rainfall are limited. In other circumstances, preventive spreading is considered a preparatory phase. In this case, the snow attaches less quickly to the surface of the road, and will be removed more quickly by the snow plows.


The curative treatment is only done from the appearance of black ice. The most important thing here is to make the roads accessible again as soon as possible.

Spreading after snow removal

This involves removing all remnants of snow or ice and treating the roads preventively against the expected precipitation. It is better to treat the roads preventively. Taking action before the ice appears is more beneficial than curative treatment. Prevention makes it possible to guarantee permanent road safety and to control salt consumption: 1 kg of preventive spreading can save 5 kg of the curative de-icing agent.

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